Covid Vaccine Facts with the WHO's Dr. Kate O'Brien (video)

Healthcare Triage (2021) CC
YouTube influencer Healthcare Triage talked with WHO's Dr Kate O'Brien about how the COVID-19 vaccine works, how it gets distributed, and how we distribute it equitably. 1:27 Safety questions and concerns about quick development of the vaccine. 7:18 Have we entered a new age where all vaccines will be developed this easily and quickly? 8:41 Questions about vaccine distribution – how’s it gonna work? 10:36 How do we make sure we distribute the vaccine equitably? 11:59 How do we make sure all countries get the same seat at the vaccine table? 13:29 What are reasonable expectations about the vaccine and life returning to “normal”? 15:14 Misinformation about the vaccine 17:00 Specific myths about the vaccine 18:18 The bigger picture – what have we learned from this pandemic that we should apply in the future?