Mpox (monkeypox) Case investigation form (CIF) and minimum dataset Case reporting form (CRF)


WHO has updated the mpox Case reporting form (CRF) and data collection tool, mainly by reducing the number of variables. A detailed list of changes is presented in the file. The content of the Case investigation form (CIF) has not been changed. 

The CIF has been designed as a tool for Member States and researchers to conduct in-depth epidemiological investigation of suspected, probable and confirmed cases of mpox. It allows for prospective or retrospective collection of information on mpox cases and their contacts. The full form serves as a tool for in-country use and the data are not required to be reported to WHO.  

The CRF is a minimum data set capturing key epidemiologic variables on mpox cases, which will facilitate reporting to WHO under the International Health Regulations (IHR 2005) Article 6 and the mpox standing recommendations, for the purposes of global situational awareness and reporting. To facilitate entry, a collection tool is provided in MS Word format and in MS Excel, with embedded macro functions (.xlsm).

Of note, the CRF variables are also included in the CIF. Member States are requested to submit the minimum dataset on all cases meeting the definitions of probable or confirmed cases, through their IHR National Focal Points to their respective WHO Regional IHR Focal Points, at least once a month. This data will be shared in aggregate form through WHO information products.

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WHO Team
Country Health Emergency Preparedness & IHR (CPI)
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