Climate Smart Agriculture Sourcebook
About the Sourcebook

The Climate-Smart Agriculture Sourcebook draws together a wide range of knowledge and expertise on the concept of Climate-Smart Agriculture (CSA) to better guide policy makers, programme managers, sectoral experts, academics, extensionists, as well as practitioners to make the agricultural sectors (crops, livestock, fisheries and forestry) more sustainable and productive, while responding to the challenges of climate change and food security.

The first edition was originally published in 2013 by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) a few years after the concept of CSA was launched at the 2010 Hague Conference on Food Security, Agriculture and Climate Change. This new fully revised digital platform edition of the CSA Sourcebook reflects new scientific insights as well as valuable CSA implementation experience obtained since the publication of the first edition. Five new modules were added:  Climate change adaptation and mitigation, Integrated production systems, Supporting rural producers with knowledge of Climate-Smart Agriculture, The role of Gender in Climate-Smart Agriculture, and The theory of change for the CSA approach: a guide to evidence-based implementation at the country level.

Furthermore, the 18 existing modules were completely revised, restructured and updated in the three main sections of the Sourcebook: ConceptProduction and Resources, and Enabling Frameworks. Similar to the process of creating the 2013 first edition, this update involved inputs from across FAO’s technical units, as well as numerous external partners and experts.

On this digital platform, the Sourcebook will become a “living” document in which any section or module can be updated when needed to reflect the evolving scientific insights and practical experience in CSA. Suggestions for resources to include can be sent to [email protected].