
Mental health and psychosocial support

This platform offers basic psychological support to help you better cope with the psychosocial reactions you might experience while facing difficult circumstances .

The platform is divided into six sections

Section one

Asks users to take a 5-minute questionnaire about their current psychological well-being.

Section two

Provides general information about stress and how it affects us and suggests exercises for you to deal with stress.

Section three

Provides general information about problems caused by substance use, and how it affects us and suggests the ways to deal with these problems.

Section four

Provides information about suicide and suicidal thoughts and suggests steps you can take if you are feeling suicidal, or how to recognize and respond to the warning signs that someone close to you is at risk of suicide.

Section five

Provides information about stress and how it affects specifically frontline workers and suggests what they can do to deal with stress.

Section six

Provides contact information for mental health professionals in your country who you may wish to talk to.

The platform is open to anyone, you may be:

a member of the general public
a health worker, social worker or a first responder
a caregiver with children
an older adult who is spending long periods at home

While it may seem to some people that there is nothing they can do when they are in the middle of a difficult and stressful situation, there are steps you can take to relieve the pressure and help you feel better able to manage the stressful situation you might be in right now.

Information is power. The more we know, the more we feel in control.